Sparx is an online security training platform created as an affordable option for organizations to educate their personnel about security best practices. With Sparx, you can build the knowledgeable, cyber-aware workforce you need to protect your organization.
Why Invest in Security Training?
Research shows that trained staff can prevent security breaches that would otherwise cause the loss of company data and revenue. Our security training courses are curated by experienced cybersecurity professionals and work to educate personnel about common security threats and what actions they can take to reduce risks to your organization. The Sparx course library and simplistic user interface is designed to meet the training requirements of any size organization.
From system implementation to ongoing administration, Sparx makes it easy for you to provide security training that aligns with your organization’s strategic goals.
Our Sparx training platform offers:
- Certification acknowledgment
- Progress tracking and completion
- Individual user accounts with personalized dashboard
- Admin access and management
- Prerequisite feature before moving onto next module/training
- Video fast-forwarding prevention
- Auto-saved progress in courses
- Quizzes to test users' knowledge
- 24/7 online access to Sparx
- No additional third-party fees
For more information about Sparx, please visit

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