Plone to Ubuntu Desktop

Installing the latest version of Plone to Ubuntu desktop has specific requirements

The following steps should take place to install, test, and create a website using Plone 4.1.4 on the latest version of Ubuntu desktop;

sudo su
apt-get install build-essential - Gcc and G++ compilers and GNU Make
apt-get install libssl-dev
apt-get install vim
tar xzf Plone-4.1.4-UnifiedInstaller.tgz
./ zeo (or standard)
record plone admin username and password
./bin/plonectl start - Starts Plone. 

The port Plone uses may be adjusted in buildout.cfg and then running "/bin/buildout".  By default, Plone is installed under usr/local/Plone.  Plonectl is located under the "zeocluster/bin" folder in this example.

Browse to your instance by visiting http://localhost:8080 

To stop the Plone process, run

"./bin/plonectl stop" 
